" alt=""> Pastel-shaded still life photography by Tommy Olsson adds a sense of serenity and security to the Neko brand. Our current healthcare system was designed nearly half a century ago and focuses on treating the body after disease and degeneration have already begun. But Neko is building medical technology to enable a new type of healthcare model, one that shifts the focus away from reacting to and treating existing symptoms, to one that prevents the occurrence of disease in the first place. Neko’s pioneering methods could help millions of people to get ahead of their healthcare by taking a more proactive approach, potentially preventing diseases from occurring several years in advance. The result? Perhaps healthier lives with peace of mind and the avoidance of unnecessary medical costs. All of these ideas were distilled into the brand tagline, “Ahead of Your Health”. Neko’s brand is built around a dynamic logotype that can be shifted to communicate the proactive nature of the service. A cloud of patterned dots has been crafted to signify the proprietary scanning process and make Neko’s core offering clear. A vibrant colour scheme captures the brand’s optimistic outlook, while a suite of pastel-toned brand images conveys a sense of serenity and security. Neko’s brand colours are a mixture of clean and contemporary monochrome shades married with warm and optimistic hues that convey the human side of the brand. If you enjoyed this project for Neko we think you might like some of these related projects.Further exploration