Perniclas Bedow is interviewed by Thomas Girard on the Uniqueways podcast
Perniclas Bedow is interviewed by Thomas Girard on the Uniqueways podcast
"A Lovely Atmosphere" has been selected as one of the works deemed “Excellent” in Tokyo Type Directors Club
Perniclas Bedow is interviewed by Thomas Girard on the Uniqueways podcast
Martin Bergström, will serve as the chairman of the Guldägget 2025 jury
Perniclas Bedow is interviewed by Mario Depicolzuane in the Creative Voyage podcast
Honest Packaging wins the fourth and final "Design of the Month"
Perniclas Bedow is invited to talk at Stockholm University when Grafiska Institutet celebrates
Perniclas Bedow is invited to talk at Scanpack in Gothenburg on October 24th.
Design magazine Cap&Design interviews Martin Bergström about Coop’s packaging design
Perniclas Bedow is interviewed by Resumé about Coop’s new packaging design
Brand New gives a top score for Coop’s new packaging design
Matilda Gysing at the Design of the Month jury
Matilda Gysing at the Design of the Month jury
Matilda Gysing at the Design of the Month jury
A Lovely Atmosphere wins Design of the Month
Martin Bergström at Bedow sums up the design year
Bedow designs the annual book for Swedish Association for Art
Bedow awarded a wooden pencil in D&AD Awards
Resumé Magazine writes about the design of GBGT Box
Bedow awarded Gold and Grand Prix in FAB Awards
Bedow awarded a wooden pencil in D&AD Awards
Bedow is awarded in both TDC Tokyo and TDC New York
Bedow is partnering up with Coop Trading for a redesign of over 3,500 packagings over the coming years.
Bedow is partnering up with Coop Trading for a redesign of over 3,500 packagings over the coming years.
Resumé writes about Bedow’s new identity for Daniel Ek and Hjalmar Nilsonne’s Neko Health
Bedow’s Martin Bergström as Resumés design jury chairman
We’re looking for an Account Manager
Italian architecture and design magazine Domus writes about Swee Kombucha
Bedow is featured in Slanted Magazine together with Teenage Engineering, Acne, Stockholm Design Lab, among others.
Perniclas Bedow will have a talk at First Round in Amsterdam
It’s Nice That features Swee Kombucha
Jaktar listed as on of the best branding projects of the year
Under Consideration – Brand New – Polar Music Prize
Thinking & Making, TM–01
Resumé – New team members
Cap&Design – Coop Pasta Packaging Fibonacci
The Follow Up podcast with Jaktar
Anders Bollman in Dagens Nyheter
Monachus awarded in Art Directors Club
Under Consideration – Brand New – Jaktar
New board members for Bedow
Chronicle: Everyone has an idea of what an idea is
House & Garden Magazine features our kitchen design
Anders Bollman in the jury for Young Guns 18
Perniclas Bedow will have a talk at Screen 2019
Bedow is ranked as the best design studio of the year
St Erhard packaging design featured in Monocle magazine
Perniclas Bedow in the Art Directors Club jury
Our studio trip to Le Corbusier’s Notre-Dame du Haut in Ronchamp, France
Perniclas Bedow talks about design and branding in Moscow, Russia.
We started a podcast about graphic design and branding
Perniclas Bedow’s talk at European Design Awards in Porto
Monocle magazine features our design for Biggans böcklingpastej
Perniclas Bedow will have a talk in Reykjavik, Iceland
A redesign of Penguin Composition Rules could save forests
Studio trip to Tokyo
Washington Post writes about Bedow’s map for Erik Penser Bank
Fantastic Man features our shoehorn Index
Mikkeller+Bedow awarded honourable mention at Design S Awards
Fantastic Man features our shoehorn Index